A R T I C L E S, P A P E R S, J O U R N A L S


COP16: Insuring The Nature Positive Transition Hosted by NatureX RMS & NTC
Raviv Turner Raviv Turner

COP16: Insuring The Nature Positive Transition Hosted by NatureX RMS & NTC

This COP16 invite-only event brings together insurers, brokers, bankers, government agencies, environmental organizations, risk scientists, tech, and data providers in person to discuss insights and lessons learned from insuring natural assets, including reefs, ecological forests, regenerative cropland, and more

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Nature-Related Risk is a CFO Problem, Not Just a CSO Concern
Raviv Turner Raviv Turner

Nature-Related Risk is a CFO Problem, Not Just a CSO Concern

In recent years, the conversation around nature-related risks has taken on new urgency. Traditionally, the mantle of addressing environmental issues within a corporation fell to the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO). However, as we delve deeper into the complexities of nature risk and its far-reaching implications, it’s becoming increasingly clear that this is not just a sustainability issue—it’s a financial one.

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